Sammy's Blog! - Updates, News Bulletins and Other random crap.

(This blog is best viewed in a widescreen web browser on PC)

Update (14/12/2023):

I'm working on a personal project relating to my Autism. It's going to reqire time, effort, and a lot of self-reflection regarding my past.

It'll be free to view here on Neocities, once it's ready i'll make a public announcement... somewhere.

How can you "be yourself" if you don't know who you are?

Update (9/12/2023):

I've added some buttons to the side of this blog, some of which you can click on! The clickable ones are on the main page as well.

In other news i've been trying to experiment with my new fursona and i'm still really not sure what my sona's species would be. I'm thinking maybe i could get away with Xenia (a public domain linux mascot) being my fursona but that doesn't seem all that original.

Another idea i have is taking my old fursona (Kane) and gender-swapping him (ref sheet done by FallenFoxie) but again, i'm still thinking about it.

Kane's Ref Sheet for context:

Kane (He/Him, Pansexual)

Lastly, there's one more thing i'm working on and i have been working on it for years now. (since i joined the furry fandom actually!) It's a manifesto of the furry community and potentially a deep dive into the intricacies of what makes the furry fandom tick. It's still a work in progress and i've yet to see all this fandom has to offer, so with that said, it's still an ongoing project.

Anyway, i hope you all have a nice Christmas this year! See ya ^w^

Update (2/12/2023):

I've finally taken the time to make a blog page! I know it's pretty empty at the moment, but i will make an effort to add things now and then!

Also, it's probably nothing major but i do have a growing Youtube Audience and i'm willing to upload more stuff to the tiny tunes collection now that i've got more motivation to make my own stuff and get creative!

This page is also finally back up and running again. In the end i chose not to do the Electrical Engineering course because whilst it is interesting to me, the place i was going to study it at was quite dead and nowhere near as lively as the city that i live in now. (also there didn't seem to be any furries there either soooo yeah no thanks lmao)

So yeah! I'm back and ready to experiment with HTML a bit more now that i've got a workflow going!